MSX International LMS
Cookies Policy

Last Updated 10/27/2022


A “Cookie” is a small amount of data a website operator, or a third party whose content is embedded in that website, may store in your web browser and that the website operator or, as applicable, the third party, can access when you visit the website. A web beacon, pixel or tag is a small, usually transparent, image or script placed on a web page. This allows the operator of that image or script, which may be the operator of the website you visit or a third party, to read or write a Cookie.

We use the necessary cookies to make the website work, as well as possible, and to always improve our services. Some cookies are classified as necessary and allow for core functionality such as security, network management and accessibility. These cookies may be collected and stored as soon as you start browsing or when you use some feature that requires them.

User agrees that this Agreement is supported by good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. Such consideration includes, without limitation, access to and use of the LMS.

Your operating system and web browser may allow you to erase information stored in Cookies and local browser storage. If you do so, you may be forced to login to the LMS again and you may lose some preferences or settings. You may also be able to set your browser to refuse all website storage or to indicate when it is permitted, but some features of the LMS may not function properly without it. MSXI may use Cookies to keep you logged in, save your preferences for the LMS, and to collect information about how you use the LMS. To learn how to manage privacy and storage setting for your local browser storage, you can refer to the end user documentation for your browse


Essential Cookies
Cookie Name Description Source Expiration
ARRAffinity / ARRAffinitySameSite It is used for load balancing to make sure the visitor page requests are routed to the same server in any browsing session. First Party Session
ASP.NET_SessionId .At the beginning of a new session, the server stores the Session ID in the user's Web browser as a cookie. The SessionID cookie is similar to a locker key in that, as the user interacts with an application during a session, ASP can store information for the user in a ''locker'' on the server. First Party Session
ASPXAUTH  Net_SessionId is a cookie which is used to identify the users session on the server. The session being an area on the server which can be used to store data in between http requests. First Party Session
 Anti-CSRF  Anti-CSRF token is a pair of Cryptographically related tokens given to a user to validate his requests. As an example, when a user issues a request to the webserver for asking a page with a form, the server calculates two Cryptographically related tokens and send to the user with the response.  First Party Session
CKConsent Cookie used for the application to know whether the user accepts the Cookie policy or not. First Party 1 Year
closeOLTWindow Used by courseware to determine whether it should warn user before about unsaved data before closing window.  First Party Session
courseCompletionStatusPriorToLaunch Used by courseware page to store information related to the course being taken. First Party Session
CourseId Used by courseware page to store configuration information related to the course being taken. First Party Session
CourseType Used by courseware page to store information related to the course being taken. First Party Session
EnableInteraction Used by courseware page to store information related to the course being taken. First Party Session
EvalApplicationId Used by courseware page and eval server to implement quizzes into courseware First Party Session
EvalClientId Used by courseware page and eval server to implement quizzes into courseware First Party Session
EvalServicesRootUrl Used by courseware page and eval server to implement quizzes into courseware First Party Session
EvaluationId Used by courseware page and eval server to implement quizzes into courseware First Party Session
ExitCommit Used by courseware page to decide whether to save progress when closing window First Party Session
LaunchData Used by courseware page to save user progress.  First Party Session
LCID Used to store the currently selected language and locale.  First Party Session
LCID A locale Identifier Cookie is used for a set of user preference information related to the user's language. First Party 1 Month
lessonLocation Used by courseware to bookmark the user's current position in course. First Party Session
LessonStatus Used by courseware to store information related to status of last lesson. First Party Session
lessonStatusSession Used by courseware to store information related to status of last lesson. First Party Session
LogInteraction Used by courseware to store configuration data related to  First Party 1 Day
MinPassingScore Used by courseware page to store configuration information related to the course being taken. First Party 1 Day
ModuleId Used by courseware page to store configuration information related to the course module being taken. First Party 1 Day
PrivacyConsent Cookie used for the application to know whether the user accepts the Private policy or not. First Party 1 Year
Progress Used by courseware page to store progress in current course. First Party Session
RedirectLink Used by courseware to store configuration information. First Party Session
Score Used by courseware to store information regarding your previous score in current course.  First Party Session
SessionID Used by courseware page to track user session.  First Party Session
SessionId Used by courseware page to track user session.  First Party Session
ShowFinishMessage Used by courseware to store configuration information regarding current course. First Party Session
StartDate Used by courseware to start the date/time you started the current course.  First Party 1 Day
UserEmail Used by courseware to store user email which is displayed while taking course.  First Party Session
UserFirstName Used by courseware to store user first name, which is displayed while taking course.  First Party Session
UserLastName Used by courseware to store user last name, which is displayed while taking course.  First Party Session
UserLcid Used by courseware to store which language the course will be displayed in. First Party Session
UserName Used by courseware to store the current username. First Party Session


Statistical Cookies


Cookie Name Description Source Expiration
_ga  _ga_13Z8P7GVQQ   Third Party 1 Year